Benefits Editorial Team: Journal of Economics and Tourism (Benefits: JET) published the Benefits Journal Volume 1 Number 1 June 2024 with a special theme “Economic Improvement in the Business and Financial Sector by Optimizing Human Resources Towards Sustainable Prosperity” which is divided into several important sectors, namely:
1. Banking Operational System;
2. Entrepreneurship;
3. Human Resource Management;
In the May 2024 edition, we feature a variety of research articles:
1. Utilization of Social Media Marketing for MSMEs in Serang City, by Vera Maria, Ahmad Fauzan Hidayatullah, Ussy Emmelly Devy Tunning Putri, Rana Sabilah, Nadia Nurul Mursidah, Levina Putri Ramdhany, Fakhriza Aqsyal Syauqi
2. The Effect of Social, Economic, and Employment Conditions on Overseas Migration in Indonesia (Case Study: 33 Provinces in Indonesia Year 2013 - 2022), by Togi Haidat Mangara, Wadi Saputri, Rahmi Aulia Putri
3. Systematic Literature Review Affective Commitment in Southeast Asian Context, by Jihan Salsabilla Ardine Pranindy and Inavatul Mafrukhah
4. Comparison of Dual Banking System Indonesia and Malaysia, by Salsa Billa, Siti Soleha, Mimin Devitasari.
5. Problems and Actions of the Indonesian Government in Restoring the State's Financial Condition after the Covid-19 Pandemic, by Najwa Ananda Putri, Ira Septika Putri, Putri Nurul Aini.
Published: 2024-06-06