As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
Naskah mengikuti aturan gaya selingkung dan bibliografi yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis.
Author Guidelines
A. General Provisions Authors submit manuscripts in the form of scientific works from research results or conceptual ideas written in Indonesian. Manuscripts are original works and are not the result of plagiarism, and have never been published.
B. Writing Rules 1. Manuscripts are written using Book Antiqua font size 12 with 1.15 spacing on A4 paper. For more details, please check the template. 2. Manuscript writing systematics: a. Title The title uses effective sentences with a maximum of 15 words b. Author identity - Author name - affiliation - e-mail (must be an active e-mail because correspondence is via e-mail) c. Abstract The abstract contains a brief introduction to the problem, objectives, research methods and summary of results. The abstract is typed using single spacing in English and Indonesian, with a maximum of 200 words. Written in Book Antiqua font size 12. d. Introduction The introduction must clearly explain the problem being discussed. background and a brief literature study are needed to find the best solution, and have novelty and scientific benefits. Urgency and research objectives also need to be written. e. Research methods The research method is written descriptively containing the research methodology that includes the type of research, research approach, data sources and analysis methods. For conceptual ideas, it is written without a research method. f. Results and discussion The results must be clear and concise. The discussion should explore the significance of the work results, not repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussions of published literature. g. Conclusion The conclusion is written briefly and must show the importance of the manuscript being studied. h. References References are based on article citations. For more details, please check the template. And it is recommended to use a Standard Reference Application such as Mendeley