The Urgency of Protecting the Traditional Cultural Expressions of Genggong Art of Sumedang as an Object of Communal Intellectual Property in Indonesia

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Nurauliya Syifa Khofiyanisa
Miranda Risang Ayu Palar
Laina Rafianti


The protection of traditional cultural expressions within the concept of Communal Intellectual Property is an effort to preserve cultural aspects. One such expression needing protection is the Genggong Art of Sumedang. This research aims to understand the issues related to the Genggong Art of Sumedang, which has not yet received defensive protection as a Communal Intellectual Property object, and the legal provisions that can support its protection. Using a normative juridical and sociological juridical approach, the research collects primary data through field studies and interviews, and secondary data through literature studies, including relevant regulations and other secondary legal materials. The findings indicate that normative provisions on intellectual property in Indonesia have not been optimally implemented. This is due to a lack of socialization about the importance of communal intellectual property protection and an understanding of registration procedures. Therefore, optimal cooperation and coordination are needed both in the registration context between the originating community and the Sumedang Regency Government, as well as in promoting the importance of defensive protection of traditional cultural expressions between the Sumedang Regency Government and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

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How to Cite
Khofiyanisa, N. S., Miranda Risang Ayu Palar, & Laina Rafianti. (2024). The Urgency of Protecting the Traditional Cultural Expressions of Genggong Art of Sumedang as an Object of Communal Intellectual Property in Indonesia. Equality : Journal of Law and Justice, 1(2), 205–220.
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