Analisis Yuridis Hak Pasien Terhadap Akses dan Kerahasiaan Rekam Medis Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam

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Arif Dian Santoso
Zahra Intan
Amiera Aulia Taftazani
Febrian Arif Wicaksana
Mahendra Utama Cahya Ramadhan


This study examines positive law and Islamic law regarding patients' rights to access and confidentiality of medical records. Health is a crucial component of human life that requires special attention, both in terms of healthcare services and the protection of patients' rights. The right to access and confidentiality of medical records is one of the essential rights held by patients. Medical records encompass all of a patient's medical history, including diagnoses, treatments, and health conditions. Given the unique nature of this research subject, the method employed is a normative juridical descriptive analysis. This study adopts a comparative approach and focuses on primary legal materials, including theories, concepts, principles, and relevant legal regulations. It is recognized as a library research approach, which involves collecting data from literature, legislation, and book studies. According to Islamic law, strong confidentiality is required to uphold patients' rights to access their medical records. Although patients have the right to know what is recorded in their medical records, doctors and healthcare providers must ensure that this information is not used unethically or in violation of the patient's privacy. Among the universal humanitarian values is the right of patients to access their medical records and the protection of their confidentiality. Both Islamic law and positive law emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance between patients' rights to know their medical information and the obligation of healthcare providers to safeguard the confidentiality of that information. This principle aims to protect patients' rights, preserve their dignity, and build trust between patients and healthcare professionals

Rincian Artikel

Cara Mengutip
Santoso, A. D., Wulandari, Z. I., Taftazani, A. A., Wicaksana, F. A., & Ramadhan , M. U. C. (2025). Analisis Yuridis Hak Pasien Terhadap Akses dan Kerahasiaan Rekam Medis Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam. Equality : Jurnal Hukum Dan Keadilan, 2(1), 27–41. Diambil dari
Bagian Kebijakan
Biografi Penulis

Zahra Intan, Fakultas Syariah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Fakultas Syariah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Amiera Aulia Taftazani, Fakultas Syariah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Fakultas Syariah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor


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