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Wanda Hamidah
Zakwan Adri


Coping stress is an individual's way to solve a problem or overcome the problem. This study aims to see the direct picture of stress coping in married female nurses. The participant used in this study is an accomplished female nurse who works at the West Sumatra Regional Hospital. Participants have a paralyzed husband and are the sole backbone of their family. Participants have 4 children whom she managed to send to college. The method used in this research is qualitative with an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach. The data collection technique used in this research is an interview with one participant and one Significant other (the closest person to the participant). Questions given to participants and Significant Others have been arranged using aspects of stress coping. There are 3 (three) main themes obtained in this study, namely the causes of work stress, efforts to cope with work stress and the impact of work stress and stress coping.

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