Benefits Editorial Team: Journal of Economics and Tourism (Benefits: JET) published the Benefits Journal Volume 1 Number 2 August 2024 with a special theme “Economic, Social, and Managerial Development in the Context of Finance, Tourism, and Social Innovation” which is divided into several important sectors, namely:
- Islamic Bank
- Economic And Tourism Development;
- Managerial Economics;
- Entrepreneurship;
In the August 2024 edition, we feature a variety of research articles:
- Factors Influencing Sharia Economics Students of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Continue to Use Conventional Banks | Amelia Pratama, Ani Aliani, Melandri Ilham Wardhana, Salma Nasywaa Zhafiroh, Ahmad Jaelani
- Design and Build "Dolan Yuk" as a Discovery and Investation Platform for Sustainable Kediri Tourism Development | Prahoro Yudo Purwono And Fikky Ardiyansyah
- Implications and Strategies of Demand Elasticity Theory in Managerial Economics | Dina Nurmala Hasan, Hesti Fauziah, Lidiyana Tasya Octaviani, Fannisya amelia, Ayi Nurpadilah, And Suriyanti
- Analysis of Village Fund Allocation in Sungai Rangit Jaya Village Government, Pangkalan Lada District, West Kotawingin Regency | Sareh And Ahmad Rayhan
- Evaluation of the Impact of Corporate Social Innovation Using the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol Method in the Seloka Batik Group | Arbi Margono And Akuat Supriyanto
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interest of Sharia Economics Students Class of 2023 in Opening Sharia Bank Accounts | Astri Dwi Restini, Anisa Nikmatika, Fadla Nurul Khiar, and Satria Maulana
- The Effect of the Level of Religiosity and Student Income on the Interest in Alms of Students of the Department of Sharia Economics Class of 2023| Ghaida Humairoh, Alda Amalia, Muhammad Fariz Alghifari, and Mutiara Salsabila
Published: 2024-08-27