Benefits Editorial Team: Journal of Economics and Tourism (Benefits: JET) published the Benefits Journal Volume 1 Number 2 August 2024 with a special theme “Economic, Social, and Managerial Development in the Context of Finance, Tourism, and Social Innovation” which is divided into several important sectors, namely:

  1. Islamic Bank
  2. Economic And Tourism Development;
  3. Managerial Economics;
  4. Entrepreneurship;


In the August 2024 edition, we feature a variety of research articles:


  1. Factors Influencing Sharia Economics Students of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Continue to Use Conventional Banks | Amelia Pratama, Ani Aliani, Melandri Ilham Wardhana, Salma Nasywaa Zhafiroh, Ahmad Jaelani
  2. Design and Build "Dolan Yuk" as a Discovery and Investation Platform for Sustainable Kediri Tourism Development | Prahoro Yudo Purwono And Fikky Ardiyansyah
  3. Implications and Strategies of Demand Elasticity Theory in Managerial Economics | Dina Nurmala Hasan, Hesti Fauziah, Lidiyana Tasya Octaviani, Fannisya amelia, Ayi Nurpadilah, And Suriyanti
  4. Analysis of Village Fund Allocation in Sungai Rangit Jaya Village Government, Pangkalan Lada District, West Kotawingin Regency | Sareh And Ahmad Rayhan
  5. Evaluation of the Impact of Corporate Social Innovation Using the Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol Method in the Seloka Batik Group | Arbi Margono And Akuat Supriyanto
  6. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interest of Sharia Economics Students Class of 2023 in Opening Sharia Bank Accounts | Astri Dwi Restini, Anisa Nikmatika, Fadla Nurul Khiar, and Satria Maulana
  7. The Effect of the Level of Religiosity and Student Income on the Interest in Alms of Students of the Department of Sharia Economics Class of 2023| Ghaida Humairoh, Alda Amalia, Muhammad Fariz Alghifari, and Mutiara Salsabila

Published: 2024-08-27

Factors Influencing Sharia Economics Students of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Continue to Use Conventional Banks

AMELIA PRATAMA, Ani Aliani, Melandri Ilhan Wardhana, Salma Nasywaa Zhafiroh, Ahmad Jaelani | Pages: 77-91

Implications and Strategies of Demand Elasticity Theory in Managerial Economics

Ayi Nurpadilah Ayi Nurpadilah, Dina Nurmala Hasan, Hesti Fauziah, Lidiyana Tasya Octaviani, Fannisya amelia, Suriyanti | Pages: 114-124